Together Tomorrow

04 Mar 2024 - Vishal Srivatsava AV

The world we live in is indeed a special place. We are taking it for granted. Should we stop or slow down? The answer is we should indeed slow down. How so? Wouldn’t that affect our daily lives?

What’s the point?

Well, if we continue to live with such careless attitudes we will eventually end up destroying our entire human race. Sounds a bit harsh, but go check it out for yourself (search internet).

  1. For starters we’d lose access to pure drinking water. This would lead to many bad things in general. Diseases from drinking unhealthy water and dehydration are the two most worst results.
  2. We’d lose access to food. YES!!! Please don’t forget the fact that food is grown by the help of our mother nature. Water, soil, and sun are all needed. Ah ah wait wait, our actions would make water as precious as gold and the soil would’ve been damaged as we do pollute a lot.

What’s next?

Either our generation suffers from our consequences, or we witness our children suffer.

How can I help?

This isn’t something that can be rectified over night. Its not a task for a single person; this is a collective objective. We as humans must be aware of what we’re doing to our home. We must be conscious of what’s happening around us. We must participate together for a better tomorrow.

I’ve started this small community named Together Tomorrow. You can join too! Follow these links. Together we shall devise, strategise, and start using such methods in our day-to-day lives.

Let’s work together for a brighter future. Thank you for joining!