About Me

My name is Vishal Srivatsava AV from IndiašŸ‡®šŸ‡³!. Iā€™m currently studying bachelors in electronics and communication engineering.

VLSI is a field which I genuinely admire. Iā€™m striving hard so that I can pursue my masters in this beautiful field!


In the online world, Iā€™m predominantely called as bsod2528. I love computers so I kept ā€œbsodā€ as I liked errors. 2528 was my discriminator when that was a thing on Discord.

I love Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy (100% straight) from the bottom of my heart as theyā€™re fine actors who portray the meaning and the essence on the screen in the most unique way.


I like to game, code, listen to a lot of music, and make decent music. I also speed cube, current personal best is at 11.96 seconds. I watch a ton of movies.

Favourite Games

GTA V, Far Cry 3, GTA San Andreas, Minecraft, CS GO (not the best, but I was good), and FPS in general. On mobile platform I really do like Crossy Road.

Favourite Musicians

My lastfm and spotify say them all, Hans Zimmer, Ludwig Gƶransson, and Joji take the first three places on the leaderboard. Regardless, checkout what Iā€™ve been scrobbling (listening) too!
